Today was my last day on site during phase one of the barn conversion. It was the day that I tidied up the mess that I have spent the last few weeks creating, the day I packed away my overalls and work boots, my last day of freedom before returning to my regular day job.
I’m sad to be leaving and was it not for Amanda and my two moggies back in England I could quite easily place a few phone calls and make arrangements never to return. I’ve had a brilliant time, despite the continual Landy problems, and made some great new friends who have re-inforced my opinion that the decision to move here permanently is the right one.
The main reason to clean site was to enable me to take a few photographs to can send them to our solictor to sort out our insurance, now we have something worth insuring. A nice by-product is that I can share them on the blog to show you how the site looks at the end of the first phase, and advance of the second which should see it through to completion within a few months of us getting our full planning permission through.
Está quedando mui ben.
You are doing a great job.
It’s a pity we, Galician people, are leaving falling down our heritage.