Last night saw a double celebration in our house, not because we’d finally found a cat food which our increasingly grumpy and tempramental tom cat would eat, but because of quantum advances in Galicia. So much so that we cracked open a bottle of the ever so trendy Albariño, although it didn’t really go with tuna pasta bake, and went searching on EasyJet for cheap flights to Asturias in May (I won’t tell you the dates as I am sure that Sir Stelios would increase the price if he knew).
Around five-thirty a flurry of e-mails hit my mailbox with attached PDF documents conveying the good news. For the first time since we completed the purchase on the 21st June 2010 it seems as though we are moving in the right direction.
Ten months of pushing, shoving, kicking and straining and we were underway.
Good News No. 1
Inma, who we now know from the company formation documents has the first names Inmaculada Concepción (it really does translate literally exactly how you think to ‘Immaculate Conception’ and I’m guessing meant that she got a fair amount of ribbing at school), sent through our certificate of incorporation for our Spanish company.
Amanda and I are now joint shareholders in Casa Liñeiras S.L.. This means that the 3.000€ which Inma had been sitting on since January is now in a bank account in our companies name. Problem is, we have no details of this whatsoever. Good job we trust our solictor!
Good News No. 2
Even better good news came in the form of an e-mail from the architect who cannot be named who gave us the excellent news that the Galician Patrimonio (similar to our English Heritage) have granted us permission to renovate the roof for the small house and to fix-up the horreó. We still have to await the formality of an actual license from the Pontenova Council but this is a rubber-stamping formality.
All we have to do now is pick a contractor, and settle on a fixed price for the works, and then we can get on with the very first stage of our renovation.
From the doldrums of the last three months the wind was now picking up and we were hoisting the main-sail. We are just checking the dates that the architect, solicitor and grants ladies (for they are three different women) are available and we’ll be booking flights, a car and hotels.